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Similar to Wordle but with a different name, Xordle is a word guessing game. You can only play it once a day, but it's a lot of fun. It's kind of like a simple crossword puzzle.

You have to guess two different words in a puzzle, just like in other games where you have to guess the word. You have nine chances to guess the word. You can only play the game once per day in daily mode. You can play as many times as you want in random mode. You may enjoy playing games.


  • You can find out what the hidden word is in nine different ways. Most of the time, there will be five words in this game.
  • With each attempt, the letters change color to show how close you are to the correct answer.
  • There are two words here that you cannot see.
  • There will be no letters that both have.
  • After nine tries, you can figure out both words.
  • Just choose factual information and start from there.
  • In everyday life, everyone has the same experiences.
  • This is how you can start winning games.
  • There are 5 ways to change Xordle:

Like Wordle, Xordle is a game that starts out easy but gets harder and harder as you play. You can learn a lot of new words and at the same time become more focused. A great time!

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Word GamesXordle wordsHexordleXordle downXordle GameXordle Unblocked