Like Wordle, Wordle Peaks uses tiles to show you if your letters are higher or lower in the alphabet than the letters on the right.
How to carry out
If you type in a five-letter word, you will get the right answer after six tries. Each attempt must be a 5-letter word. Just like with Wordle, when you type a letter into Wordle Peaks, you'll see a colorful response. But Wordle Peaks is a bit different. All of the green letters are lined up at the top as the right answer after six tries. Each attempt must be a 5-letter word. Just like with Wordle, when you type a letter into Wordle Peaks, you'll see a colorful response. But Wordle Peaks is a bit different. All of the green letters are lined up at the top. The letter is yellow and is placed too high in the alphabet (almost at the top). And "blue" is not high enough on the list (the lowest score).
The colors make Wordle Peaks more interesting, but they go further. Each chosen cell tells you where the needed letter is in the alphabet, which helps you narrow down your choices (e.g., between I and R). You can see possible answers without cheating by putting the clues in the corners in alphabetical order.
Alternative Wordle Peaks
You can play word vertices in five ways:
How a keyboard is laid out
Hard setting
High Contrast Mode
Show each clue one by one.
Switch the Enter and Delete keys.
It's free to use, and SvelteKit and TypeScript were used to make it. Devin Spikowski created Wordle Peaks.