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Wordle fans can usually only play one puzzle every day, but with Warple, they can play every puzzle that has ever been made. Even though the everyday and social parts of Wordle are popular, some users may also want to finish the puzzles they didn't get to.

Fun things to do
You can try to solve the word puzzle six times.

You must use a real five-letter word for each guess. Use the enter key to send.

After every guess, the tiles will change color to show how close your guess was to the real word.

In contrast to other games like Wordle, Warple has the same puzzles and ending phrases as the original Wordle. It does more than make Wordle-style puzzles. Unlike the official Wordle, there is no limit to how many puzzles you can do in a day with this game. Users can instead play as many puzzles at once as they want. Interesting!

Category and Tags

Word GamesWarple GameWarple wordle GameWarple meaning