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Unlockle is a Wordle-inspired logic game with a unique unlock model. In this game, your goal is to use logic to figure out a pattern similar to a smartphone's lock screen in six tries.

How to play

Unlockle's goal is to recognize a pattern that resembles the home screen of a mobile device. To win, you must join five straight lines with dots. As long as there isn't an invisible dot between them, each dot can be linked to any other dot.

You can enter your pattern in two ways: tap or click the dots sequentially, or swipe the complete pattern at once. The entered pattern is displayed after each turn, along with suggestions showing how close it is to the correct solution.

To demonstrate correctness, the dots in the pattern will be colored:

Green for dots that are in the proper location.

Yellow dots are part of the answer but in different places.

There is no color for dots that are not present in the solution at all.

You can keep track by reviewing the paths of your previous attempts, ensuring that you don't repeat known failed patterns and lose turns unnecessarily.

All previous trials are displayed in order in the least difficult setting, simplifying the game. Victory, however, is not guaranteed. When you begin a new game on standard difficulties, the previous try's path appears first, then the current path. The colors of the previous attempt's dots are still apparent.

The colors of the dots remain the same in hard mode, and your previous path is obscured. To succeed, you'll need to remember the chronology of all your efforts, including the very last one. If you're having trouble with the game, you may make it easier by switching to easy mode in the settings menu.

Category and Tags

Word GamesWordleUnlockle gameUnlockle wordsUnlockle wordleUnlockle app