The word puzzle game is called Termo PT in Portuguese. The goal is to come up with a five-letter Portuguese word. You only get six chances, and one of the most important rules is that you have to use words from the Portuguese dictionary.
How to Join In
Start by picking a 5-letter Portuguese word. The color codes will tell the game if the letters are right or not.
When a letter turns green, it means it is where it should be in the word.
If a letter is underlined in yellow, it means it is part of the word but not in the right place.
Last, the word doesn't have a dark letter in it.
Six more times and this step is done. The game is over when you discover the word of the day. If you try all six guesses and still don't know what the word of the day is, you'll find out at the end. It's nice to know that you can always try again the next day.
Have fun and best of luck!