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Daniel Baamonde made the logic game Symble to help people figure out how to break codes. It drew inspiration from Josh Wardle's popular and well-known word game, Wordle.

The most difficult test is the Live Blitz Battle Symble exam. In a live 5-minute blitz, you can challenge a total stranger or a friend of your choice. The average prediction for the total number of words solved divides the relationship. Become the best Symble player there has ever been. Using the options in the middle of the icon, you can see your stats and let your friends know how you did.

Playing options
The goal is to find the hidden five-letter word in eight attempts. After watching the video I made about the game, read on to find out more.

By clicking the first of the three icons in the top-right corner of the page, you can choose from five different game modes.
Everyone will get the same word on the daily quiz, which is updated at midnight in your time zone.
In unlimited mode on the TM device, you can play as much as you want with random sentences.
Only you and the clock are playing 5 Minute Blitz. How many Symble puzzles can you finish in five minutes?

In Custom Puzzle mode, you can use any five letters to make your own solution to a Symble puzzle. It doesn't have to be the same as any of the suggested answers. When you make a puzzle, a special URL with your puzzle in it is copied to your clipboard. Tell your friends about it and see if they can do better.

Category and Tags

Word GamesSymble GameSymble Wordle GameSymble Wordle Unlimited