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The start of Survive
Survivle is a brand-new branch of the Wordle website that was just made. It looks at the still-very-popular word puzzle game from a completely different angle. This brand-new, very popular 2022 game has spread around the world and drawn a lot of players.

Do you want to know more about this interesting game? Continue reading to find out more.

What is the Survive Game, anyway?
You can play the online game Survive.

Shot of the screen

The new Wordle spin-off, Survive Wordle, is the exact opposite of the original game. The style, colors, and vocabulary are all the same, but in Survival, you want to be wrong, not right.

Use all the information that has been given to try to figure out what is wrong.

In Wordle, the goal is to answer the problem in as few steps as possible. In SURVIVE, the only way to win is to guess for as long as possible. This means that you have to play the game until you make the most wrong guesses before you find the answer.

Survivle has a built-in checker that will help you make sure your prediction is right and fix any mistakes.

Survive's only flaw is that it doesn't have enough popular words. When a user goes to the website, a round is started right away so that the player can play as many times as he wants in one session. So, it's important to use odd words to make the words more interesting.

You can use a keyboard or mouse to play Survive on both desktop and mobile computers.

First, think of a word with five letters. Letters that are gray, yellow, and green will display your guesses.

When you see the color green in a puzzle, it means that the right letter is in the right place. Yellow means the letter is in the term but not where it should be. When a letter is gray, it means that it is not in the word.

Now, the goal is to guess five-letter words that are not the answer while dodging all gray letters. Unfortunately, every yellow and green letter from your first guess must be in your second guess as well.

Then you can keep guessing and trying to predict as much as possible. After you finish a round in the game, you will see your number and a button that says "Share."

If this is a Wordle, you can win with six or fewer guesses, but you must have a score of seven or higher to win. It's much harder than you might think. Survivle will show you a message at the top of your screen to help you find and fix any problems.

In the end,
Survive is the newest branch of Wordle that you should check out. Some of the other Wordle games are harder or more silly than this one. But if it is changed even more so that it can be used for social networking and tracking statistics, it could replace Wordle as a better option.

We hope that this article has told you everything you need to know about Survivle. If you have any questions or problems, please write about them in the area below.

Play and have fun!

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Word GamesWordleWaffleCrosswordleSurvivle word