Slangle is a fun and creative word-guessing game that was based on the famous Wordle game but with a twist. In Slangle, players have to guess a task from by using an acronym or abbreviation. The game is set up like Wordle, and each person has five chances to guess the right challenge.
Here's how to play slangle, step by step:
The main goal of Slangle is to guess the challenge, which is always a real five-letter word, in five tries.
Making Suggestions: Each time a person tries, they have to type in a 5-letter phrase that they think is the right answer to the task. The name of the task comes from It is an acronym.
After each guess, the game gives you input in the form of colored tiles. The different colors show how close the guess is to being right:
Green: A green tile means that one of the letters you chose was right and was put in the right place in the puzzle.
A yellow tile means that a letter you guessed is in the challenge, but not where you thought it would be.
Letters that don't have anything to do with the task will be black.
Each player gets five tries to guess the right challenge. The trick is to use these tries to figure out what the hidden name or abbreviation is.
Every day, players will be able to guess a new word or solve a new puzzle.
Slangle is a word-guessing game that is fun and interesting. It requires both logic and language skills. The players have to look at the answers to each guess in order to narrow down the options and pick the right word or abbreviation.