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Ordlig is a Swedish word puzzle version! You have a total of six chances to discover a secret word that contains a certain number of letters in it. Just press Enter key after typing any word to send that word. With the help of color hints, you will be able to progress further in the game. For example, yellow indicates that you have selected the right letter but placed it in the incorrect position. Green means that the letter is where it should be. Ordlig is a fun game, you will need to come up with a solution to the puzzle to win.

In fact, the game has been recreated many times in various languages. Many people consider Ordlig to be a smart game because it can keep them interested while also teaching them new Swedish vocabulary.

Ordlig game does not have any associated fees. It is playable on mobile as well as desktop.

Fun activities to take part in
The principles of how to play the game can be grasped without much effort. It is open to players of any level of expertise.

You try six times before finally discovering the hidden word. Due to the multitude of settings, Ordlig offers more options when using words with 5, 6 or 7 characters.
You are asked to use a five-letter word for each guess.
To submit, press the enter key on your keyboard.
The color of the tiles will change after each guess to show how close they are to the correct word.
A brand new word will be presented every day.

Playing this game is a lot of fun. Since you only have to play the game once per day, it won't take up too much of your time.

Category and Tags

Word GamesOrdlig WordleOrdlig UnblockedOrdlig Wordle Game