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Maik Zehrfeld made MusicVidle. It's a new and fun game that was made after the popular Wordle and the fun Heardle. This game is different because it mixes the fun of watching music videos with the challenge of picking words. Please remember that the artists and companies that made the movies in the game own all of the rights to them.

 How to play

In MusicVidle, players are shown a grid of letters that, when put together, make a secret word or phrase about a music video. To find the right word, you have to choose the right letters and put them in the right order. When a guess is right, the letters of the word are shown. When a guess is wrong, it is marked as such.

MusicVidle makes the game even more fun by adding music videos that go with the words or lines that are being guessed. As you play the game, the music video that goes with each word gets better and better, giving you a compelling audio-visual experience.

The rules for how to play MusicVidle are easy to understand and simple. By clicking on the letters, players can put them in whatever order they want. You can try a few different ways to put the letters together until you find the right one.

Category and Tags

Word GamesWordleGlobleMoviedleHeardleLyricleHeardle games