Monday Punday is a word game like Scrabble, but every day you get a different word job. Find out what happened during this game.
How to Join In
The images with the tag "Monday Punday" are plays on words. Try out some other words. There is a play on words in every picture. The answer is a word, title, or name that everyone knows.
If the text of the picture has a hard-to-guess word, it won't be in the answer.
If a number other than 47 is used in a joke, it is just a random number that has nothing to do with the joke. Most of the time, other ideas matter more.
It's important to know who a character is when responding to a joke, especially if they have a big face.
"Are you sure?" The button gets rid of any characters that aren't letters or numbers and any capital letters. It also looks at the text to see if more than one answer is possible.
Have fun and best of luck!