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MathDoku: You have to do the right math as well as put in the numbers! Do not forget that you need to follow the rules in each area while filling in the right numbers in the blank boxes. The standard way to play Sudoku is when players can only use one value in a row or column. Besides that, each condition will split the game. When it's your turn, you look for hints at the start of each of these chapters.

First, choose how hard the game is and how big the board is. It's also possible to play harder games in the Puzzle of the Day section.

When the main round starts, follow the strong lines to calculate the area of each pair of numbers. Even in the same bold spot, the numbers will stand out. The numbers in the corners of these boxes indicate the sum, difference, multiplication, or division of the information inside.

The best way to treat dark spots is to go after areas with fewer empty cells than before, especially areas with just one cell.


With the notes feature, players can look at the game board and get more information about the right way to play.
Each number above indicates how many times it appears. With each use, this amount will slowly go down.
There are special rules for this game that combine sudoku and math problems to make it harder and help you think more clearly.

How to play

Having a mouse

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Word Games