The new word puzzle game is called Letterle. Even though Letterle and Wordle are similar, they are very different in that Letterle is not based on words. Instead, it asks you to guess by using only one letter. The player is given an infinite number of estimates, but the game doesn't show whether they are close or not.
Letter-based games are easy to learn but hard to master. The player has 26 chances to win, and the goal of the game is to guess a single letter. That means your success in this game depends entirely on luck since there is no strategy or way to get better, just dumb luck.
It will be much simpler if you can just guess one letter. Just write a letter, and it will tell you whether you are right or wrong. There are only two kinds of cells in the human body. The gray box means that you guessed the letter wrong, and the green box means that you got it right. Yes, it's a lot less difficult. In contrast to Wordle, the letter is different for each player and changes throughout the day at different times. This means that if you start out badly, you can keep playing the game until you get a high score. Wonderful time!