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People of all ages find Haskle, an internet word game, to be very interesting. The game's goal is to figure out a function from the introduction. Each round, you must guess a function based on either its introduction or its mixed-up type. At first, emojis stand in for each type part (type, binding, and type variable). That's interesting, huh? Come and live with Haskle now!

How to play

The difficulty lies in utilizing the mouse to navigate and execute commands. Similarly, new guesses that display the function name after the type has been fully displayed also display the characters present in both the guess name and the answer name.

We used the signatures almost exactly as GHCI provided them, with the following modifications:

The quotes ([]) are changed to a list, and tuples ((,)) and (,)) are changed to tuple and tupple3.
The unit is used instead of the function type (()).
For typeclass methods, there is a specific set of rules for typecasts. Instead of (Traversable t, Applicative f) =>..., traverse has Traversable t => Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b).
Each character in the function name transforms into an emoji. Use the ideas to help you find the right answer quickly. I wish you luck!

Category and Tags

Word Games