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Despite the fact that Edlrow only allows you to play one problem per day, you are still allowed to play all five puzzles. The fact that the game is called "Wordle" already gives away a lot of information about what it is not. You have finally solved the puzzle, but now you need to use the different colored letters to find out how you came to the correct solution.

How to use Edlrow in-game
Both Wordle and Eldrow follow the same rules and use the same set of colors. This is one of the ways that they can be utilized within the game. Five crossword puzzles each and every day. Give the puzzles a shot, and then report back to us on how you performed.

Gray is missing the letter that would have been the final one in the term.
Yellow: The term has an extra letter at the end of it that should not be there.
Green means that the letter has stayed where it should be at the end of the word.

Category and Tags

Word GamesEldrow Wordle GameEldrow OnlineEldrow Unblocked