Crosswords welcome you to a puzzle game set in a captivating world of stunning ancient civilizations. Immersed in a realm of age-old temples and colossal pyramids, you will encounter crossword puzzles of an unparalleled nature. This game will revive the search for enigmas in labyrinthine grids. Your objective is to locate the appropriate letters to complete the empty spaces within a specified timeframe. Specifically, you will be required to simultaneously assess several terms in various places. The game's complexity stems from the need to simultaneously input a letter into many boxes.
Players will alternate between unlocking levels ranging from one to 10, progressing from the easiest to the most challenging. Other than the characters listed in the grid, the system will not provide any additional keyword suggestions. You can use these ideas as a last resort when your analytics endeavors fail. Nevertheless, employing this strategy may result in a decrease in your score; therefore, it is advisable to contemplate it thoroughly before implementing it.
The panorama showcasing architectural masterpieces from ancient Egypt is very remarkable. It ensures that your experiences in the crossword genre are always engaging and never dull.
To access stages of greater difficulty, players must successfully win the preceding round.
If the allotted time elapses and you fail to finish the grid, you are defeated. A novel enigma will become available, necessitating that you start over.
When a cell is chosen, all empty cells with an identical answer letter will illuminate. Next, you select a letter from the left panel to input the answer. Your score will rise if you make a proper selection, whereas if you make an incorrect decision, it will decrease.