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When playing the word puzzle "Birdle," the solution is always the name of a particular bird.

Have a good time with one's choice
Since you only have six chances to correctly predict Birdle, the game is pretty easy to play. Each guess needs to be an actual word to be considered, as the correct answer is the name of a bird. Simply pressing the "Enter" key causes a message to be sent. Can get clues from colors like yellow, green, and even black. When the appropriate letter is placed in the appropriate area, the cell will be illuminated with a green light. The cell will glow yellow if the correct letter is not placed in the correct position. The cell will be grayed out if the letter in question does not appear in the codeword. Try to figure out what this term is and type it as fast as you can. After you have created your Birdle, you will have a chance to understand more about it. You face a brand new Birdle every day. The word-guessing game called Birdle does not require any download or installation on the player's side.

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Word GamesBirdle wordBirdle gameBirdle answer